【作者古小兔 About Me】關於我的介紹

我叫古小兔英文名子是Shireena,在2020年7月時開始寫部落格。部落格名稱為【古小兔分享| 學習 | 旅行】,可以看見我的文章分成3個元素:分享、學習&旅行。我是在2018年時來到英國劍橋的語言學校就讀,當時因為決定要來英國就讀碩士學位,為了讓英語能力進步,所以先來英國念語言學校。在2019年時來英國的諾丁漢城市就讀數位行銷MBA碩士學位,但2020年時遇到疫情,所以開啟了我寫部落格的旅程。2021~2022 部落格文章常常上痞客幫首頁(可以點此連結,當時有紀錄),GOOGLE關鍵字上搜尋時,也常常都在搜尋引擎的首頁。由於在2022年2-3月時有發生一些事情,部落格當時暫時關閉了將近一個月,因此排名有下滑現象,目前人氣慢慢回來了,我也越來越注重內容、品質等,希望可以得到更多支持。

My name is Gu Xiao Tu, and my English name is Shireena. I started writing my blog in July 2020. The blog is named "Gu Xiao Tu Shares | Learning | Travel," and you can see my articles divided into three main elements: sharing, learning, and travel. In 2018, I came to the UK to study at a language school in Cambridge. At that time, I had decided to pursue a master's degree in the UK to enhance my English proficiency, so I began by attending a language school. In 2019, I enrolled in a Digital Marketing MBA program in the city of Nottingham, but in 2020, due to the pandemic, I began my journey of writing a blog. My blog articles often appeared on the front page of Pixnet (you can click this link, as it was recorded at the time), and when searched for on Google using keywords, they frequently appeared on the search engine's front page. However, due to certain sponsored articles issues happening in February- March 2022, the blog was temporarily closed for nearly a month, resulting in a decline in its ranking. Presently, the blog's popularity is gradually returning, and I am increasingly focusing on content and quality, hoping to garner more support.


這是2023年年底打關鍵字 "xr23評價" 和"英國超市必買",獲得首頁排名第一,居然贏過台灣最大酒類雜誌公司的文章排名! 

This is for the keyword 'xr23 review,' and 'MUST-BUY in UK supermarket' in December 2023 on top ranking , surprisingly surpassing the article ranking of Taiwan's largest alcoholic beverage magazine company!

【作者古小兔 About Me】關於我的介紹

【作者古小兔 About Me】關於我的介紹


我的部落格 古小兔分享| 學習 | 旅行 【作者古小兔 About Me】關於我的介紹文章範圍有些廣泛,在這邊跟大家解釋。

My blog "Gu Xiao Tu Shares | Learning | Travel" covers a wide range of topics. Let me explain:


1. 分享:主要是要跟大家分享我的親自體驗,像是新開的餐廳、品酒、美食、美容、活動、APP、或是日用品等,當然許多是業配,但我都會跟大家坦承好用就是好用,不好用我也會老實說。至於,品酒的部分都不是業配,因為我本身非常喜歡葡萄酒,有在進修葡萄酒並且通過WSET level2 的證照,也在專研level 3。並且在台灣酒商與酒類媒體業擔任數位行銷一職,因此本人對葡萄酒稍有研究,對酒的熱誠可想而知~所以都有在產出葡萄酒文章,以興趣來寫的,希望大家喜歡!最新酒類文章:【葡萄酒入門】除了紅白酒外,葡萄酒到底還有哪些?一分鐘了解6款酒葡萄酒類型 | 6 Different Types of Wine to know

Sharing: Primarily, I aim to share my personal experiences with everyone, such as newly opened restaurants, wine tasting, food, beauty, activities, apps, or daily items. Many are sponsored, but I'm honest about whether they are genuinely useful. Wine tasting isn't sponsored because I genuinely love wine. I've studied wine and passed the WSET Level 2 certification, currently studying for Level 3. I've worked in digital marketing for a wine merchant and in the wine media industry in Taiwan, so I have some expertise in wine. Hence, I produce wine-related articles out of my interest and hope everyone enjoys them! The latest wine article: ["Introduction to Wine"] Besides red and white wines, what other types of wine are there? Understanding 6 different types of wine in one minute | 6 Different Types of Wine to Know.


2. 學習:因為本身在英國留學,所以寫了許多英國文化與一些關於在英國生活的文章,放在此區給大家參考。內還有推薦英語平台介紹,因為要來英國留學,所以花了許多時間在學英語,對學習語言很有心得,所以跟大家分享自己體驗英語平台的心得~還有一些數位行銷的文章,主要是因為自己進修時的筆記,以及財金類的文章。

Learning: As I studied in the UK, I've written many articles about British culture and life in the UK for reference. There are also recommendations for English platforms as I spent a lot of time learning English to study in the UK. I've shared my experiences with English platforms as I have insights into language learning. There are also some articles on digital marketing, mainly based on my study notes and finance-related articles.


3. 旅行:基本上想記錄自己的旅遊日記,也想告訴大家旅遊攻略。文章會包含必去景點介紹、交通攻略等。本身去過20個國家,歐洲國家:英國、法國、奧地利、捷克、義大利、西班牙、匈牙利、克羅埃西亞、瑞士、德國、葡萄牙。亞洲國家:中國、香港、澳門、新加坡、馬來西亞、印度尼西亞、泰國、日本、菲律賓。雖然目前寫的文章比較多都是在英國本地旅行的文章,但是會陸續增加更多國家旅遊的文章,請見諒。

Travel: Essentially, I want to document my travel diary and provide travel tips. Articles include introductions to must-visit attractions, travel guides, etc. I've been to 20 countries, including European countries such as the UK, France, Austria, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Hungary, Croatia, Switzerland, Germany, and Portugal. Asian countries include China, Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan, and the Philippines. Although currently, most of my articles focus on local travel in the UK, I will gradually add more articles about traveling to other countries, so please bear with me.



Finally, I hope you enjoy my blog, and please support me. Thank you.


可以追蹤我的FB粉專/ You can follow my Facebook page古小兔

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可以追蹤我的IG/ You can follow me on my Instagram:Shireena_wine

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可以追蹤我的YouTube/ You can follow me on my Youtube:古小兔日記 | Shireena vlog

【作者古小兔 About Me】關於我的介紹


還有自己創建了一個全英文的葡萄酒部落格 歡迎看看

I also recently created an English wine blog website, please check!  

【作者古小兔 About Me】關於我的介紹

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